Modulo-2 Matrix Sparse/Dense Conversion

The routines below convert modulo-2 matrices between the form used by the routines for dense modulo-2 matrices and the form used by the routines for sparse modulo-2 matrices.

Header files required: mod2sparse.h mod2dense.h mod2convert.h

mod2sparse_to_dense: Convert a modulo-2 matrix from sparse to dense form.
void mod2sparse_to_dense 
( mod2sparse *m,  /* Sparse matrix to convert */
  mod2dense *r    /* Place to store result */
The dense matrix, r, must already have been allocated, and must have at least as many rows and columns as m, the sparse matrix to be converted.

mod2dense_to_sparse: Convert a modulo-2 matrix from dense to sparse form.
void mod2dense_to_sparse 
( mod2dense *m,  /* Dense matrix to convert */
  mod2sparse *r  /* Place to store result */
The sparse matrix, r, must already have been allocated, and must have at least as many rows and columns as m, the dense matrix to be converted.
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